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Bound by Law



A riveting novel that bends genres to tell the true story from the only person truly able to tell it, Lisa Connelly herself. At once a true crime and an emotional coming of age memoir that follows the challenges of facing the consequences of silence. 


Spanning from her childhood, living as an only child of a single mom to her adult life, quietly raising her own family away from the spotlight. 


We get a rare glimpse into the life and mind of a well known, but little understood figure in American culture. What happens after the news cycle moves on, leaving Lisa to manage the consequences of her choices and the images created by a sensationalized story. 


Lisa began life as a willful child with a mind of her own. As she moved through the trials of adolescence, her will was tested by the pressures around her. She forfeited her identity in an effort to feel a lasting acceptance before allowing the unthinkable to happen right in front of her eyes. 


From there she was thrown into a callous judicial system looking just as desperately as the media for a bad guy. 



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